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Networked Democracy

Networked Democracy

The growth of the Internet and social media have provided new opportunities for citizen expression, information-seeking, and collective mobilization. At the same time, citizens are increasingly subjected to online censorship, surveillance, harassment, and privacy violations in democratic and authoritarian contexts alike. Communicative technologies may also amplify underlying problems of late-stage democracy by exacerbating populism, nationalism, democratic dissatisfaction, and political and cultural polarization.  

The implications of “networked democracy and networked authoritarianism for public policy and democratic politics within the United States and abroad is a central focus of CCPP scholarshipThese questions are also explored through participation in the Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) where CCPP scholars have led post-election studies of political communication patterns in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Turkey, and Iran 

Recent Selected Publications 

Recent Sponsored Projects: 

  • Assessing “Privacies”: Explicating and Validating the Measurement of Social Media Privacy Across Cultural-Political and Expressive Contexts (Sponsored by Facebook)  
  • Serbian Security & Governance Project (Sponsored by U.S. Department of State)   
  • A Changing Electoral Politics in Western Democracies: Comparing the 2017 British Election to France, Germany, the United States, and Southern Europe within the Comparative National Election Study (Sponsored by National Science Foundation)